Home Events Nomadic Academy Poland, Wroclaw

Nomadic Academy Poland, Wroclaw

The first step of the NOMADIC ACADEMY in a partner country is Poland, where the ACADEMY ist hoasted by the Jerzy Grotowski Institut in Wroclaw and curator Anna Krolica. In workshops, trainings and discussions the subjects of free spaces, alternativ spaces and border(s) with a focus on evasion, displacement and resistance will be tackled. These topics will be explored under the keywords QUER and QUEER (QUER – a German term which means cross, transvers, diagonally). We collaborate here with a crew of local dancers and makers and the members of the Munich reasearch group Anna Konjetzky, Quindell Orton and Sahra Huby will be also in Wroclaw. The NOMADIC ACADEMY invites the public in Poland to join the research journey with a nomadic performance –  “ABOUT A SESSION” by Anna Konjetzky and artist Jeremy Wade will come für a workshop and a nomadic lecture.

Have a look at our events in Munich 2019: nomadic academy Poland



Nov 13 - 19 2019




Grotowski Institut
Studio Na Grobli, 50-101 Wrocław

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