2. NOMADIC ACADEMY in Munich, 13. – 17. March 2021
TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund
In March 2021 the first part of the 2nd Munich Platform of the NOMADIC ACADEMY will take place – this time under the keywords „Allies and Alienation“. Here, approaches will be explored that shift the human being from the center of thought and postulate a different relationship to nature and creature, away from socio-economic criteria. Nature and creature are not conceived as the other, but the boundaries between animal and human, between organism and machine, and between the physical and the non-physical are broken down. A special attentiveness and responsibility is demanded, a solidarity in the in/equality. The concepts of the posthuman, of care politics, of mindfulness, of shared responsibility are used.
Primarily – due to the current situation – it is focused on the members of the Munich core group of the NOMADIC ACADEMY. They will undertake a 5-day research, with online participation of two artists from Athens. In addition to the work in the core group, the first part of the 2nd Munich Platform will also include an internal training with guest choreographer Angela Guerreiro, as well as a public participatory online event, the „Alienation Class“.
Due to the remote situation – we search for a way how to engage artistically, how to share knowledge, inspiration and trigger from far. Therefore Anna Konjetzky developed a format for resonances, a chain-structure-exchange:
a chain response-decentralised practice
On the first day every artist gives one word or thought or image that links for them to the proposed title Allies and Alienation to one other artist (see the order in the chain exercise link), so the next day each artist responds/reacts to the input they received (the response can be in any form, a text, an image, a dance, a video…) and they send their response that (and only that, not the first input) to the next artist in the chain, who will respond to that and send their response on the next to the next artist in the chain and so on …
so after 8 days we have 8 chains from different starting points, in which everyone of the 8 artists contributed to.
16 March / 7pm – online
NOMADIC CLASS: Alienation Class (online – public)

The participative online class of Anna Konjetzky’s NOMADIC ACADEMY arose from the impossibility to offer an open training for everyone at the moment. This training is normally an important part of the academy to share Konjetzky & Co’s approach of thinking with and through the body in a playful and low-key way also to dance/movement laymen. It did not seem purposeful to simply move the usual training format of live events, online and so Anna Konjetzky developed the „Alienation Class“, which combines reading, drawing and body movement and leads into a joint acting/creating.
The class consists of two parts. The first part is a collaborative reading of Donna Haraway’s „Staying With the Trouble“. In her book, the feminist theorist advocates a new age that places not humans at the center of thought and history, but the lives of other species, creatures, plants. The work is the utopia of a different connection and fusion of man with his fellow beings and nature. Meanwhile, on A4 sheets of paper, the participants will draw associatively to this, these drawings will be assembled online at the end to form a common body. The second part of the class will include guided and collected actions/settings, given to change perception, seeing, hearing and that are executed in parallel by all participants. Despite the digital form, the „Alienation Class“ wants to make physical thinking, experience and direct participation possible in virtuality.
Needed: 2 Din A4 papers, pens and a smartphone and a laptop.
Binding registration due to the limited number of participants absolutely necessary!!! But the class is open to everybody!!!
Registration at: info@nomadic-ak.com
The zoom link will be sent to the participants after registration.
Duration: 1 h to 1,5 hours / event in German and English language
„NOMADIC ACADEMY“ is a project from Anna Konjetzky. Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. With friendly support of the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich and made possible by the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT) with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. In cooperation with HochX Theater and Live Art München e.V.