NOMADIC ACADEMY in Munich, 25. June – 2. July 2021
TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund
From June 25 – July 2 the 2nd part of the 2nd Munich Platform of the NOMADIC ACADEMY will take place under the headline „alliances, connection and care“; as usual as an interplay of theoretical and practical, of internal and shared research. In addition to internal research with the permanent Munich group of artists, the focus will be on work with associations and initiatives, such as the group JUNO – a voice for refugee women. In addition to the performance ABOUT THE RAGE, a lecture by Common Wallet on the possibility of radical sharing and trust will take place publicly on June 27.
„NOMADIC ACADEMY“ is a project from Anna Konjetzky. Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. With friendly support of the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich and made possible by the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT) with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts. In cooperation with HochX Theater and Live Art München e.V.

27 June / 20:00 Uhr / NOMADIC LECTURE by Common Wallett

The Common Wallet is an initiative of 11 Brussels-based people who, since January 2018, live out of a common bank account. While the part takers wire all their individual income into the shared account, each of them uses the money in it according to their needs, wishes and desires, no matter if it corresponds to the income they contributed or not. By detaching money from individual ownership, the Common Wallet participants question taboos and injustice they confront within the current financial system. They look into exhausting behavior patterns, loneliness and mistrust that relationships with money often generate, and aim to convert money into being an affective vector – a means to enable listening, care, transparency and even joy among people. On Sunday 27th June, Tiziana Penna and Adva Zakai, two members of the Common Wallet, will introduce the basic principles of the project and share the personal transformations they experienced within it. They will talk about how patterns of control can shift into a sense of kinship and radical trust.
Where: MUCCA Halle, Schwere-Reiter-Straße 2,
80636 München
29 June / 9:30 till 20:00 / nomadic tour care tour through munich
Station 1:
Caritas Altenheim St.Franziskus / Candidplatz 9:30-10:15 talk with Frau Kiy and workshop lead by the nomadic core group
Station 2:
15:00-16:00 talk with Theresa Bittermann
Station 3:
Bellvue di Monaco
tour and talk 17:00-18:00h
Station 4:
18.30-19.30 Workshop with the Juno woman lead by the nomadic core group
2 July / 8pm / NOMADIC PERFORMANCE: Über die Wut by Anna Konjetzky

In her new solo „Über die Wut (On Anger)“ Anna Konjetzky explores anger as an individual feeling and as a condition produced by social structures. A whole arsenal of personal, political and pop-culture gestures of rage is dissected and explored by dancer Sahra Huby, making her body appear grotesque, threatening, aggressive, but also comic and comedic. In „Über die Wut“ a body on stage reflects and examines via movement, via image, via music, via text the potentiality of anger, and in particular of female anger. Anger as a tool for change, as a pointing out of injustice, as a motor of fundamental and radical change.
Choreography, stage: Anna Konjetzky // Dancer: Sahra Huby // Music: Brendan Dougherty // Costume design: Michiel Keuper, Martin Sieweke // Video: Susanne Steinmassl // Light, stage: Barbara Westernach // LED construction: Timm Burkhardt //Artistic Production: Rat&Tat Kulturbüro // PR:Simone Lutz
A production by Anna Konjetzky & Co. in coproduction with the DANCE Festival Munich, the Münchner Kammerspiele and LOT Theatre Braunschweig. With the support of the cultural Department of the city of Munich and Fonds Darstellende Künste. Supported by fabric Potsdam and schwere reiter tanz.
Where: schwere reiter, Dachauerstr. 116
Tickets: 17 €, 10 € erm / Reservation: