TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund
The NOMADIC ACADEMY will have its third Munich platform – titled “The Yawning Revolution” – in March 2021. Here, all participants of the Munich Core Group will come together again and meet a wide range of different people, groups and institutions to discuss the themes of the NOMADIC ACADEMY – the political dimension of the body and the need for change and rebellion. The focus is on approaches that shift the human being from the centre of thought and postulate a different relationship to nature and creatures, away from socio-economic criteria. Consisting of heterogeneous formats, lectures and guest performances – public or internal for different target groups – the themes of the NOMADIC ACADEMY are considered physically, discursively or performatively.
The NOMADIC ACADEMY invites the public to join the research journey with a row of public events – most of them Entrance-free.

23. March / 7 PM / NOMADIC LECTURE: Núria Güell

In her lecture, Núria Güell, who has a background in the visual arts, talks about her artistic practice and provides an overview of her artistic research and methods using the example of several projects.
Núria Güell is born in Spain in 1981. Her practice is a practice of confrontation, of questioning evidence and moral conventions, and it usually involves moving pieces, action – be it legal or not –, moving individuals – be they accomplices or not –, or carrying out bureaucratic procedures. It also means making the public institutions that hire our services move in a direction they have not previously explored; it means getting them engaged instead of being mere spectators. Núria Güell doesn’t understand artistic practice as a cultural practice, but quite the opposite: as a socially and politically necessary practice in which the cultural and the established are brought into play. See:
Language: English
Where: HochX, Entenbachstr. 37
Tickets: / Eintritt frei
27. March / 6 PM / NOMADIC PERFORMANCE: “Consul and Meshie” –
a project by Antonia Baehr and Latifa Laâbissi in a visual installation by Nadia Lauro

Apes, at least great apes, are among the «almost human» animals. This «almost» has turned them into a surface onto which humans project their ideas of what it means to be human. At the beginning of the 20th century the chimpanzees Consul and Meshie lived among humans as humans and came to consider themselves human. Antonia Baehr and Latifa Laâbissi adopt their own apish identities – with no guarantee for historical accuracy. Hairy and morally free, insolent and shameless, these two human monkeys occupy Nadia Lauro’s visual installation, which is roughly and casually nested away from the stage in quiet little corners of theatres and museums. From two leather limousine seats, whose furry innards gradually spread into the room, Consul Baehr and Meshie Laâbissi exhibit themselves for 3 1/2 hours.
Languages: English/Frensh/Arabic/German
Concept and Interpretation: Antonia Baehr, Latifa Laâbissi // Visual Installation: Nadia Lauro // Figures: Antonia Baehr, Latifa Laâbissi, Nadia Lauro // Sound and Light Design: Carola Caggiano // Adminstration & Diffusion: Alexandra Wellensiek / make up productions & Fanny Virelizier / Figure Project // Design Game “French Theory Memory”: Hilà Lahav // Thanks to: Vinciane Despret, Donna Haraway, Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Melanie Poppe, Rayna Rapp, Constanze Schellow, Emilia and Kathrin Schlosser, Mia Sellmann, the entire team of HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Jean-Yves and Danielle Auvray // A co-production by Figure Project / make up productions and HAU Hebbel am Ufer Theater (Berlin), Le Magasin des horizons (Grenoble), CCN2, Centre choréographique national de Grenoble, Xing/Live Arts Week VII (Bologna) // Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds and Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
Where: HochX, Entenbachstr. 37

Training for everybody, sharing what we have tried and found out during the NOMADIC ACADEMY through a series of exercises and approaches using the body as a source of knowledge and to train the ability to think further, to develop dreams and ideas.
Dachauerstr. 112d
Please register:
„NOMADIC ACADEMY“ is a project from Anna Konjetzky. Funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. With friendly support of the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich.